
Showing posts from March, 2025

Bird or butterfly?

Bird or butterfly? Am I a bird or a butterfly, Evading human eye So swift and free? Same size as a butterfly, but moving rapidly branch to branch, My glowing mane and sharp beak give me away, Never still, I flit and flutter, here and there I'll play. I make soft, shrill cries, my voice sharpening the air, My black plumage glistens, beyond compare. Who am I?

Mother's lap

After many wanderings, I return to mother's lap. Tired, I find solace in mother's lap. In distress, I seek refuge in mother's lap. Shaken to my roots, I cling to mother's lap. When arrows of misfortune hit, I flee to mother's lap. Lonely and deserted, I find comfort in mother's lap. In life's raging storms, I anchor myself in mother's lap. When my heart sings melancholic tunes, I nestle in mother's lap. When hopes seem lost, I retreat to mother's lap. In this world, mother's lap is the greatest sanctuary. There, I unravel the mysteries of life and learning. I recite the Vedas, and revisit the timeless wisdom of tatva gnana. Mother's lap is the seat of learning, a sacred hermitage for enlightenment.