Mother's lap

After many wanderings, I return to mother's lap.
Tired, I find solace in mother's lap.
In distress, I seek refuge in mother's lap.
Shaken to my roots, I cling to mother's lap.

When arrows of misfortune hit, I flee to mother's lap.
Lonely and deserted, I find comfort in mother's lap.
In life's raging storms, I anchor myself in mother's lap.
When my heart sings melancholic tunes, I nestle in mother's lap.

When hopes seem lost, I retreat to mother's lap.
In this world, mother's lap is the greatest sanctuary.

There, I unravel the mysteries of life and learning.
I recite the Vedas, and revisit the timeless wisdom of tatva gnana.
Mother's lap is the seat of learning, a sacred hermitage for enlightenment.


  1. Yes....
    Mother's lap is like a temple for the infant.He feels fully protected.To begin with
    mother's lap is the place where the child also learns the philosophy of life.Mother's lap prepares us to face the world which is an admixture of good and bad.It is in the temple called 'amma odi' we learn what is sacred and what is profane,what is good and what is bad.
    Amma odi grooms and nurture us to become good human beings.
    It is so special...we can not get it again and we can not replicate anywhere.
    Upto the above para I added as my comment on WhatsApp.Here is further explanation...
    The poem justifiably glorifies the greatness of mother's lap.It is a place where we forget the world,and sufferings.It mollifies our pain and injuries sustained in the battle we fight daily.In rain and shine that is the place we find solace.
    In the mother's lap we do not feel lonely but under the protection of hundreds of armed soldiers.
    These apart,mother's lap may be the first place to listen lullubies but definitely a place we come to know of karma, dharma,papa and punya.It is the place where we are introduced to puranas and vedantas.
    No replacement and no equals to mother's lap.
    Beautifully written ode on mother's lap.
    Thank you.


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