Layers of the unseen

No problem,
No solution,
All delusion.

There are layers:
Some you see,
Many you don't.

What you see disturbs you—
But what about the unseen?

What you know,
What you can, you solve.
But what about the unknown?

Often, my ego assumes monstrous proportions;
I get swallowed.

Anger, remorse, repulsion—
They control me.
I don't know why
I can't subdue them with all my might.

Why do I become so imbecile?
Frustrations build,
I break into pieces,
Anger surges.

Nothing new in this wisdom.

This poem captures a profound struggle with the layers of self and emotions. It's a reminder of the human condition, where our conscious efforts often clash with subconscious forces. The visible disturbances are just a fraction of the unseen turmoil beneath. Ego, anger, and remorse can overpower us despite our best efforts, making us feel helpless and foolish. This cycle of frustration and fragmentation is a common human experience, and recognizing it is a step towards understanding and eventually mastering it. Wisdom, indeed, often lies in acknowledging these recurring battles.


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