Recollecting old memories...

Years ago, a clever gardener visited our home, claiming to have been sent by our respected bava. We had no idea what was happening until he handed us a huge bill. He had dug up the hedges, displacing existing plants with the promise of future improvements. We were left bewildered, cursing our lack of gardening knowledge.

Years later, the Bhringraj plant, which that crafty gardener had removed, reappeared. Each season, its blooms now offer soothing visuals against the thick green foliage. Thanks to Google, I’ve learned about this plant’s many names and its uses. I never knew this is the famous Bhringraj from which hair oil is made.

Nature is both mysterious and simple. Everything we need to know is there if we only take the time to understand and appreciate it.


  1. Thanks for showing the plant Bhrigaraj which we usually do not get a chance to see.I am surprised at the array of leaves and thick foliage.No wonder the plant is used in making hair oil.Mahabhrungaraj Kesh thailam was famous some decades ago.
    In spite of the crafty gardener doing damage years ago to the plant,the plant resurfaced much to the pleasure of you.
    I hope still it is going strong in your garden.
    Thank you for posting this.


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