Delightful contrast..


A Dish TV antenna with two pigeons perched on top, each looking in different directions. 

As human habitation expands, birds, animals, and other creatures find ways to occupy spaces intended for human use. Elephants stopping passing vehicles and taking food, being labeled as bandits—who taught them this? People often ignore the sufferings of stray dogs but show affection by feeding them biscuits. Are they addressing hunger or fostering dependency on discards? 

Are these two pigeons a family? The antenna isn't a living space, just a resting ground.

These birds on the Dish TV antenna may not be like those in the Mandukya Upanishad. In the Upanishads, there is a parable about two birds sitting on the same bough: one feeds while the other looks on. This symbolizes the mutual relationship between the infinite being and the finite self. The delight of the bird that looks on is great, for it is pure and free delight. However, these two pigeons don't fit that image; they seem more like two finite beings navigating the complexities of their shared environment.

In contrast, just few minutes later, the same two pigeons perched on two corners, looking at each other. 

Are they in love or deep in thought? They seem lost in contemplation. Houses are now littered with wires and antennas, which have become resting places for birds. Though there are trees nearby, the birds seem to prefer resting on these man-made structures. Are there explanations for all these happenings? These two birds seem to be in tune with the life they've adapted to.

Thanks for reading as I just shared my perspective for these two pictures I could capture few months ago.

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