Embrace the now

In this vast limitless universe and life, we are nothing. Stay with that thought to remain peaceful, contented, happy, and limited. Don’t assume too much. There are forces seemingly throttling you. Nothing too big, nothing too small. What is in your means, you resolve; the rest, leave aside. This is the essence of all wisdom and religious thoughts. People twist and turn things, but if you stay cool and calm, it passes, like the storm. There is beauty and no purpose in life. Just celebrate all good, all blessings. Isn’t the wind cool and soothing today? Why worry about how hot and humid it was yesterday or the news of the highest 50-degree temperature recorded? Tomorrow, let it come—you may not even wake up.

I am filled with mirth and dearth. I couldn't cross the small canal they dug up. It may not be repaired for months. Another guy, younger maybe, confidently made it. For two days, I went up to that point and returned, fearing consequences. I know a simple slip can land me in that deep and fast-flowing drainage. Dug up a few days back, it interrupted my usual track. Never go on a peaceful walk anywhere for a definite time. So many tracks changed, the only exercise I do without any dependence. My walks became family talk. I ignored and continued. This one incident—not being able to negotiate the nala, with a narrow concrete structure and immediately stepping on a slippery boulder—I know I am not at the age and stage. I am not winning any medals but getting some exercise for the body. No one is waiting there to clap for my victory.


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