From bud to bloom

Womb to aplomb,
From green to white, a jasmine bud.
Born on the way to bloom,
Marvel comes alive when fragrances plume.
Your accomplishments flourish, touching lives,
More buds, more blooms, life expanding, spreading soothing scents.
This green foliage hides many a dream, whitish splendor.
A time for everything under the sky, graced by the sun.

The poem "From Bud to Bloom" captures the journey of a jasmine bud from its green beginnings to its full white bloom, symbolizing growth, transformation, and the impact of accomplishments. The imagery of the bud's transformation and the spreading fragrance highlights how individual achievements can touch lives and expand, much like the spreading of a soothing scent. The green foliage hiding dreams and the mention of everything having its time under the sun suggests a natural progression and the grace of life’s cycles.

Poem by Dr. SV Prabhath
Picture credits by Sita Bontha


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