Mischief to Worship

Kannamma spent a lot of time watering the plants, which quickly turned into playing with mud. Before she could fully immerse herself in a mud bath, I managed to whisk her away. However, today she didn't engage in her usual mischievous activities of squeezing paints and throwing things around. Instead, she settled in the puja room, performing rituals she might have seen her Nanamma doing. She was completely absorbed and didn't allow any interference, talking about Govind, Shiva, and Lakshmi Devi.

Later, she asked about my mother. I tried to explain the best I could, mentioning that my mother was very good at making sweet rice. Before bed, Kannamma expressed a desire to call my mother from God. When I asked why, she simply replied that my mother could make sweet rice for us. I wondered why she asked for that when she is not particularly interested in sweet food, but her innocent request warmed my heart nonetheless.


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