Echoes of conscience

 Why am I non-vegetarian? I saw the chicken I played with being cut in front of me, the last thing I wanted to see in life. Though I hated being a non-vegetarian, I never could fully jettison the habit. Yesterday, I saw during my drive cute-looking rams and goats innocently awaiting their turn to be led to the slaughterhouse to savor the plates of all who relish different varieties of dishes made out of these poor animals. My heart beats for them. Not much difference; the cannibals or savages used to lead humans to a similar fate.

The enlightened say that it is the same consciousness that drifts through all beings. Life is such a precious thing, but then why this cruelty, the cries, and the tears? The piety they extend to some animals, why stop there?

This dilemma reflects a human reaction. It is not merely ethical, psychological, or spiritual; it embodies our innate emotional response to witnessing suffering and questioning the inconsistency between our values and actions.

These reflections, though recent, found their echo in the news today. The Paris Olympics are going green with "leaf over beef," encouraging plant-based meals. Another article titled "Mind Your Plate" discussed the tears, cruelty, and guilt associated with eating meat, drawing a range of reactions, from the angry responses of meat-eaters to the smug self-righteousness of vegetarians. There were many reactions, both pro and con.

Strange is the world. Give me sense, the essence, Venkatesa.


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