Searching for more

Years in my eyes
Woe is me
Not anything to do with the givens of this life
There is urge and surge
Unknown is calling
I can't hear or feel, then what else
There is abundance of dissatisfaction
Scarcity of trust
Paucity of means
Is this a story common to all or am I on a different trip?


  1. I am convinced that every person of our age will have the same feeling by and large.
    Where is the end for satisfaction?
    Every one is passing through the same kind of situations.I am feeling contended that I am not a loner in this world and there are multitudes who are having this kind of pangs in life.
    Poem is well written.
    More of pathos...Good for understanding life as a whole and for rumination in twilight years.
    Congratulations for aptly bringing out human feelings that are expressed when something happens not to our liking.

  2. First para and second para of my message may be treated as a response from an unknown and are relevant to all.
    The remaining portion of the message is an appreciation of the poetic beauty.


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