A quest for understanding

Today, my quest is to understand what was before and what's beyond. Not a mystic delving into primordial questions, but a reaction to daily pestilence. Pounded day in and day out by thoughts and environment, I crave answers.

Why was before and beyond? Ab initio ad infinitum. I apply this question to all things. If it was nothing before and beyond, is this a duality or unity? If the same, what connects them? If binary, are they at odds? If everything is nothing, what's left to concern myself with?


  1. Trying to understand something unknown is good.It may not be either possible or desirable to know what is happening around all the time.It may be wiser only to understand what is important.
    The moot question what was before and what is beyond the present stems from deep self introspection which is an un common attribute.Most of the people just allow the flow and think that everything is happening as per the divine dispensation.
    Thank you for this blog item which makes people to think.


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