Haunting unknown

An unknown feeling haunts me, a persistent unease

Unfinished tasks, unending questions, no beginning, no release

No rhyme, no reason, just a nagging sense of disquiet

Like a mosquito's incessant buzz, it refuses to quiet

I continue to rumble, grumble, and search for a way

Through the darkness, I walk, but the door leads to nothing each day

No solace, no comfort, just an endless, lonely road

A solitary journey, with no one to share the load

In the distance, a solitary reaper sings a sweet melody

Unheard, yet sweeter still, a haunting harmony

A poignant reminder of life's mysteries and pain

A staccato rhythm that echoes, a refrain that remains.


  1. It is a feeling one may get in life at some stage.Probably it is the feeling every person experiences.Most probably these feelings emanate from the life's uncertainties.Secondly it is also reflecting a sense of deep self introspection and Contemplation/ meditation.
    No person can ever say that he finished all the tasks.It is important to finish at least some tasks on a priority basis.
    All people are solitary reapers in the the ultimate analysis.But a ray of hope see us through our difficulties.Wading through the life's ups and downs is necessary and sufficient.
    Nice poem which brought the entire life cycle explicitly.
    Thank you


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