The play of life ...31st July 2024

 The play of life

New paradigms emerge, the hard way, lessons learnt

Mind alone knows, as it's the way, making you see

Black and white, I prefer to turn Nelson's eye

To dramas played, the actor in full action, his

Temporary moustache dangling, director in dismay

Actor in display, who knows what, Tirumalesa?


  1. The poem depicts the drama that every person is forced to enact, willing or otherwise. While acting in the drama,unexpected events overtake us ,much to our discomfort,dismay and disappointment.It is really a hard and bitter lesson that one is forced to learn.
    People may think that they can largely control the turn of events,without knowing that everything is done by God.Our life itself is an act of God.
    Your poem brings out the life's drama in a very nimble way,the drama that can hardly be understood/ predicted.
    Excellent poetic acumen


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