Thursday thoughts

I drift apart, I struggle to reclaim my wholeness. Am I one or many? The centrifugal forces of life seem to fragment me, threatening to shatter my essence into countless pieces. Yet, I yearn to integrate, to reunite with my true self. The pool of my soul is overflowing with tears, emotions, turmoil, and provocations, punctuated by moments of cessation and termination. To navigate this tumultuous landscape, I must summon immense strength and resilience.

I must cultivate the discernment to distinguish essence from excess, allowing only the vital to remain. Amidst the tumult of diverse forces, I grapple with the paradox of rejecting impermanence while clinging to the transitory. My dessiderata, those deeply desired and cherished aspirations, are at war with the unwanted and the mundane, leading to a maze of miscalculations. Amorphous forms emerge, reflecting the turmoil within. Is this yearning or mere craving? I seek clarity in the midst of chaos.

What do I truly need? Not fleeting comforts like curry or soup, nor momentary distractions like a movie or entertainment. Life's profound questions have no easy answers. You know your own questions; go find your own answers. Time is flying - but what time, and whose? There are no accounts to settle, no explanations owed. Your life, you live.

Time has its ways. Yesterday is gone, today is fleeting, and tomorrow will be different. I was struggling yesterday, on the verge of breaking, but today is more manageable. The fog of the last few days cleared a bit today. My art and writing have been a solace, keeping me occupied. The past few days have brought clarity, clearing the suffocating fog and bringing slight relief to my mind. I strive to rise above these transient troubles, but they persist. Yet, I remain hopeful - not all doors are closed, and I trust that openings will emerge.


  1. Your blog item 'Thursday thoughts' are excellent to read as far as the style is concerned.The content is at a different level altogether.It is highly introspective.It is a reflection of the writer's mind which is searching constantly and trying to understand what is true and what is abstract.Life is an boiling cauldron of all kinds of emotions.At times we find ourselves to be splinters of universal whole .We try to muster strength to integrate ourselves by picking up all the shattered pieces and become one with the universe..
    So much can be written about what you have written.However I am stopping at this without being too much tangential on the content.
    Let me appreciate your way of writing which everyone can identify himself.

  2. I am adding my comments to the additional 2 paras you added to the blog.
    Everybody at some stage or the other have feelings and thoughts akin to what the content in the blog.Evey one lives in the hope that tomorrow is better than yesterday.As no one has choice,it is always better to be hopeful that some miracle happens and we will be rid of the problems.
    These two paras are equally good and in tandem with the previous paras.

  3. I noticed some errors in English have crept in inadvertently in my comments above.This is all because of the hurry in which I type the matter.I being in teaching profession formerly,I tend to be less tolerant about my own mistakes.
    Please bear with my predicament.


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