Bundle of troubles

Shri Krishna Devaraya, when his court convened, posed a question: "What happens when all troubles come at once?"

Tenali Raman's poetic reply painted a vivid, chaotic scene:

Gurus arrive, seeking hospitality's shade
Maid's sudden demise sparks domestic dismay
Bandits on horseback launch an external attack
Son-in-law's tantrums and clumsiness add to the pack
Neighbours demand debt repayment, voices raised high
Earache throbs, a persistent, nagging sigh
Drumbeats, dance, and folk revelry fill the air
Wife labors, giving birth, as life bursts forth to share
Funds for another daughter's marriage dwindle and fade
Seeds await planting, but resources are delayed
Famine prevails, a backdrop of scarcity and woe

Tenali Raman's masterful response weaves a rich tapestry of chaos, showcasing his wit, creativity, and poetic flair in capturing the mayhem that unfolds when troubles converge!


  1. It is like an attack of so many enemies at one time.If all the troubles mentioned by Tenali Ramakrishna in his reply actually come,there would be a situation where in one can not even breath.


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