Harmfuls Unrelenting

A single mosquito bites, smashed to death.
Many others bite and escape,
Some continue to harass.

Is killing the solution to the bite?
When countless ones cause harm,
Powerless to stop them, I'm left with little choice
but to retreat.

Escaping into a net is our reality,
as annoyances and atrocities persist.
Often, I silently suffer,
bearing the weight of the day.

In the face of many injustices,
I'm reminded that sometimes,
there's little I can do
except find solace in my own sanctuary.


  1. This is a lamentation of the annoyed mind persecuted by various enemies.The peacelessness/ restlessness caused by the menacing pesecutors is not is to come out from.What disturbs us can be an insect.That can be killed and we can remain undisturbed.Or simply we can find a protective mechanism like a mosquito net and rest there inside peacefully for a while.But what disturbs us and create peacelessness is the ruffled mind.What is that we can do to escape from this?No refuge...no cave...no asylum...can extricate us from the problems created by the disturbed mind.


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