Mind's Turbulent Brew

My mind brews fictions, blended with frictions,
Endless concoctions, a maddening mix.
Drinks that keep me heady, but not steady,
Until the emotions turn bloody, tears exhausted.

External forces join, fermenting the turmoil,
Creating an intoxicating blend, increasingly potent.
The bottle's always full, a never-ending supply,
Casting me into a lasting, dizzying fix.


  1. This is a nicely written poem.
    Couched in a beautiful vocabulary.
    The poem symbolises an endless struggle with never ending problems. This is an example of how the mind creates complications, concocts and mixes various lotions and make our life miserable.It brings about instability to an otherwise balnced life .
    Mind is the real culprit in our life.But if it is mended with positive thoughts,the same works like thaaraka mantram.


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