Reflecting on the Sun"s journey

I watched the sunrise after the sun was up in the sky and now, during my evening walk, I saw the sun setting - a white ball with orange rings, alone in the sky. My thoughts shifted, and I began thinking: what if I just ignore all that happened during the day and focus only on the sun's journey? Its contributions to the world, how the world benefits from its presence, how many people notice, appreciate, or are impacted by it.

This reflection leads me to consider my own importance and journey in comparison to the sun's celestial path. How things unfold, how life gets impacted in so many ways. It's an invitation to slow down, appreciate, and look beyond my own experiences, finding meaning and perspective in the sun's enduring presence.

It's an invitation to obliterate myself and feel the stillness and emptiness. How am I all the time tied up with myself, my thoughts, my concerns, my relationships, my needs and most important my journey. In this space, I may find a sense of release, a quieting of the mind, and a deeper connection to the present moment.


  1. Your blog item is reflective of life's journey.Poetic presentation of changes that take place in life is an excellent ode.Deeply contemplative and introspective.
    I would like to deal with this more deeply some time later.


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