A Stranger in Every Land

A Stranger in Every Land

A bird on the pole, unsure which way to fly,
Echoes my own heart, lost in the open sky.
Wherever I fly, I don't belong, it's true,
A stranger in every land, with no place to call anew.

An old woman laughs nearby, detached from the fray,
Untroubled by life's chaos, in her own world she'll stay.
But I am worried, weighed down by anxious fears,
As suspicious glances follow me, through all my tears.

Doubt and questioning eyes, upon my identity gaze,
Leaving me to wonder, in this endless maze.
Who am I, and where do I belong?
A question that haunts me, all day long.

My reaction after watching "Naanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam," a Tamil movie that explores themes of identity, belonging, and the human condition.

You go to sleep and wake up to find a new identity for yourself. In this new identity, you try to reconnect with people you left behind years ago. They only recognize your words, not your face. It's difficult for them to accept or reject you, leaving everyone torn between these two extremes. Meanwhile, you navigate this situation with calm detachment, as if it's just another day.

The old woman is the only person who remains unperturbed by this occurrence. She identifies with you, accepts you as her son, and watches TV with you. She offers you her lap to rest and invites you to share a meal. Her hearty laughter and words of encouragement to her granddaughter, "Just watch and enjoy," embody the spirit of mindfulness and detachment.

This scene brings to mind the concept of "witness consciousness" or "drashta bhava" in Eastern philosophies, where one observes life's events without becoming entangled in them. The old woman's character exemplifies this state, reminding us that true peace and freedom can be found in observing life's unfolding without judgment or attachment.

The movie's title, "A Delusion that Lasts for a Lifetime," hints at the complexities of human perception and reality. The concept of waking up with a new identity raises intriguing questions about the nature of identity, recognition, and human connection.

The tension between acceptance and rejection is palpable, particularly for those who were closest to your previous identity. However, the old woman's character serves as a powerful reminder that true acceptance and compassion can transcend even the most profound changes.


  1. Excellent write- up on human travails in the life's journey.I am reminded of a poem written by a famous writer/ poet who said in his play Satya Harischandra that every one in this world is a loner.No one can really know what destination he is bound to go finally.He thinks that he knows it but he lands somewhere else .
    As the person performs his journey, identity keeps changing and this creates chaos and crisis in his life.Best way is to observe how the life is evolving and adopt himself to ensure smooth flow.


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