Existential Quest

Whatever I do, I'm reminded of my mortality.
Yet, surrounded by thoughts of impermanence, I take bold steps.
But progress seems elusive, like one step forward, two steps back.

Sometimes, all seems pointless to me.
Yet, paralyzed by this thought, I don't become still.
I engage with all, actively and free.
But the feeling persists, a constant reminder to see.

No one will dictate what's true,
What to do, or what to eschew.
Yet, in this quest, I'm plagued,
Tormented by the thought that's engraved:

Consciousness that all is in vain,
A purposeless existence, an endless refrain.
Trapped in this cycle, I remain,
Haunted by the void, with no escape to gain.

I rage, I frustrate, then calm descends.
I question why the storm, the turbulent ends.
It's all pointless, I conclude, and seek to break free.
Yet, detachment eludes me.

I'm drawn back, again and again,
To the base, the familiar pain.
I revisit the turmoil, the emotional strife.
Trapped in this cycle, I yearn to slowly lose my form, merge with the world, and disappear into its calm.

Falling leaves, like whispers slow,
Drifting down, as if from nowhere to go.
One by one, they twirl, a wistful sigh,
Echoes of a fleeting summer's sky.

I lift my gaze to golden blooms above,
A canopy of yellow, a gentle, ethereal love.
In this season's depth, I find my peace,
A sense of calm, the world's wildness release.


  1. This blog item is reflecting the turmoil that one experiences while understanding the essence and meaning of our existence.He is forced to go through the meandering nature of life process even as he is constantly reminded of the impermanence of life itself.The question that pesters his mind would be whether all this 'tamasha' in life is required to be experienced at all.
    The blog reflects the vascillation of mind.However,it oozes some positivity that one sees in the nature.Withering leaves,drying plants,denuded branches at a particular time come back to life again with full bloom in another season.
    Life has to be viewed in fragments and not as a whole at any stage.We experienced joy in some fragments of our life in the past and we are going to have similar experience in some fragments in future too.
    Life is colourful.Let us make it so by realistic thinking.Let us be prepared to face all eventualities .
    Good night


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